In this time of rapid globalization, some feel uneasy by the sheer pace of change. But for me, these of change are times of opportunities. Seeking it, DLP Public School School is a step towards building a school that will in year to come be acknowledged for its quality education and thriving students.

“Learns Aspire Lead” the logo of the institution symbolizes the commitments of the school towards developing the future leaders, It’ll be our endeavor to endow your child with a rich sense of Humanity, Creative intellect and the ability to take his/her place in society as an independent global citizen.

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you the DLP Public School. We aspire to be an ideal university, continuously meeting new challenges and developing new areas.

It will be our endeavor to make this institution one of the most finest institutes in the country. We are committed to quality education that aims to enable your child to take up his/her role as a dignified, responsible and a critical thinker.